Friday, November 10, 2006

Our Sworn Enemy Embolden….

Our enemies dedicated to Jihad and Radical Islam are hailing the US elections on Nov. 7th as a major victory for them. Clerics, Imams, and Islamic leaders are preaching in their Mosque’s that the U.S. is weak and losing the fight against their ideology. They’re telling their followers that this is just the beginning, that the White House is STILL on their list of targets, and Americans around the globe are NOT safe.

Its true Our Sworn Enemy (OSE) wants us out of Iraq. Well I’ve got a news flash for ya Walter Cronkite; these KILLERS want America wiped off the F-ING PLANET!! And if you think retreating, leaving them alone, and becoming isolationist is a way to protect ourselves, then you clearly have no understanding of This Enemy, their motives, and America’s role in the global economy.

Radical Islam is an ideology that fights for nothing other than death in the name of God, War in the name of religion and hate in the form of government. The United States has not made all the right decisions in attempting to combat this enemy, but neither have they. Their side has had major victories and so has ours.

I must admit I had never heard of Al-Qaeda before 9/11. On that day I leaned this way of thinking was born, and has been spreading like the plague for generations. I feel confident that it’ll take more than 5 years in Afghanistan, and 3 in Iraq to reverse this way of thinking and destroy this enemy. It is Possible! The cost of war is inconceivable, but fighting for the American way of life is worth it in my opinion.
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